1. LCA offers moral teachings and role modeling. Our helpful teachers coach the students on a personal level, showing them ways to engage the world while having a Christian worldview.

  2. LCA promotes a family-like atmosphere where everyone gets to know everyone else.

  3. LCA has small classes (14:1 ratio) offering more quality teaching time to each student.

  4. LCA teaches nationally recognized curricula with Biblical integration in all subject areas.

  5. LCA is religiously diverse, with our students worshiping in over 25 different churches.

  6. LCA organizes and hosts intra-mural contests that encourage, promote and develop students’ creativity.

  7. LCA conducts extra-curricular activities such as the local Spelling Bee and Geography Bee, which promote academic brilliance and diligence.

  8. LCA’s students are given the opportunity to develop their writing and composition skills through poetry. We publish an annual poetry volume in both Romanian and English.

  9. LCA invites godly guest speakers who preach the Word of God in interactive weekly chapel sessions.

  10. LCA involves the students in choirs and bands which perform regular recitals and concerts.

  11. LCA students have the opportunity to learn how to play any musical instrument as part of the Logos School of Music, founded in 2005 by one of our alumni.

  12. LCA benefits from the PΤΟ involvement and support, a team of parents who successfully managed projects such as the construction of the playground and the installation of the schoolyard basketball hoops.

  13. LCA serves a daily hot lunch cooked by some of our students` parents.

  14. LCA offers after school care as permitted by current local and state regulations.

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